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OpenHotel Blog
OpenHotel Launches First Pre-Designed Website
OpenHotel, has prided itself on offering truly custom website designs. These designs are the result of careful planning and long responses from design questionnaires submitted by the client. While this works for large hotels that want to make everything customized to their brand it is not often reasonable for small or medium size properties. And even though over 75% of travel is web influenced there continues to be lodgings of all sizes that are just now making the jump to online marketing for its rooms. It is difficult for these types of properties to justify paying the same amount that a hotel in a destination market does. 

The pre-designs also enable a quicker turn around. A typical custom design typically take from 6-9 weeks to launch, the OpenHotel pre-designed hotel website can launch in a matter of days. 

The designs often change and are available in a wide selection of colors.  The hotel web designs can be viewed here.