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If you are looking for an educational approach rather than a sales hype approach to making a decision on your credit card processor,  look no further than Melody Ellis with Heartland Payment Processing. OpenHotel is a huge fan of both Melody and Heartland and have worked with them for years. Here are just a few reason why.


    Why Melody?

    Melody provides an educational approach on how the credit card industry is structured & detailed information about the cost every processor pays to the Card Brands.

    Once you understand what pricing is negotiable and what is hard set for all of the processing industry, you will understand what your business can do to process in the most cost-effective way.

        Why Heartland?

        Heartland is endorsed by 40 plus state lodging associations.

        Heartland provides transparent pricing statements that allow you to see how every cent of your processing fees was spent. Melody has been  working with OpenHotel and their  support staff for 5 years and can ensure you have a smooth and uneventful setup.

        OpenHotel and Melody both have strong after-the-sale support goals and I have been fortunate to serve long-term with many of their clients.

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